Pocket casts not showing new episodes series#
I then go through and star the individual episodes in that series I want to listen to. My filter includes: all play states, all statuses, any release date, one podcast, only starred episodes, and sort from oldest to newest. I use this for shows like Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History or You Must Remember This that have topics that span multiple episodes. apps like Pocket Casts have features for marking certain episodes as favorites and also for. I also have a filter that includes every episode from any podcast I’ve ever starred that works as a sort of “best of” from episodes I’ve listened to.įinally, I use a weird hacked together system to cram different multi-part episodes into their own playlist. Don't think, I have to read all of this and I have no time. For that one, I made an episode filter that includes unplayed episodes from a handful of podcasts released in the last month. One is a collection of my “must listen” podcasts. Personally, I have three different filtered playlists. You can create smart episode filters based on download status, play state, audio/video, release date and favourite podcasts.įrom the main Pocket Casts menu, tap Create Episode Filter to set your parameters. Pocket Casts has a filters system to help you manage these. You also probably cherry pick which episodes of those podcasts you actually listen to. If you’re like me, then you subscribe to way more podcasts then you could ever listen to.
Pocket casts not showing new episodes android#
Android users can also change the storage location so all podcasts download to the SD card instead of local storage. Speaking of which, you should also enable Delete Episodes After Playing so Pocket Casts deletes everything as you listen. This way, Pocket Casts deletes old episodes regardless of whether you listen to them. You can also set it hold the newest episode, the last two, the last three and so on. You can also set how many episodes Pocket Casts keeps around by tapping the Auto Cleanup button. You can chose to stream or download new episodes by default. Here, you can change storage behaviour for this podcast. To control the storage usage for an individual podcast, tap any podcast title in Pocket Casts, then the three dots icon in the right corner, then tap Podcast Settings. If you have a phone that seems constantly full, this level of control is useful. Beyond that, you can also set Pocket Casts to automatically delete old podcasts, only download certain recent episodes, or skip downloading some podcasts altogether. On a basic level, this means you can set podcasts to download or stream them. Pocket Casts is good about giving you a variety of options to manage your storage.