It can be played both offensively and defensively depending on its opponent.Along with the highlander cards, it runs a Galakrond Package with 4 invoke cards in total. Highlander Rogue is another singleton deck that uses no duplicate cards. It will disrupt your highlander effects and you won’t be able to use them until you draw the duplicate cards from your deckĪAECAf0EHvqsA5+bA427A4oBlpoD/KMDqwTLBO0E5r4D8qUDg5YDhLYDjQiLA+G2A9alA+yvA9y+A8kD8K8DkqQD3sQDoJsDi6QDxQSRsQOKngPCoQOMtgMAAA= 9.

Beware of effects that can shuffle cards in your deck, such as Bad Luck Albatross.Value is very important in those match-ups, so use your cards efficiently

When playing against control decks, mulligan for Escaped Manasaber, Twilight Drake and your highlander cards.I suggest you only use it when you have no other option Although it can be incredibly fun to watch and generate you a lot of value, if you are unlucky you might lose the game because of it. Be careful when deciding whether to play Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron.Try to stabilize the board in the mid-game using your board clears and Reno the Relicologist.In these match-ups, Doomsayer, Overconfident Orc and Zephrys the Great can help you survive the early game, which is what you struggle the most with